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Thursday, February 6, 2014


Alright, after reading this article on Subway's bread and 'dough conditioner' (I linked it below) I'm just not surprised. Azodicarbonamide...a chemical in my yoga mat that's also used in Subway's bread and in many store bought breads...S C A R Y!

It's just so concerning how many additives, preservatives and chemicals are in our everyday foods.  Michael Pollan advises to only shop the "perimeter" of the grocery store for actual "food."  So many items located in the isles of grocery stores are highly processed and have absolutely no nutritional benefit...but they taste good.  Are Goldfish crackers... real food?

Cheetos, bologna, tootsie rolls, french fries, pop ... 

Do we add bread to the list?

"Subway to remove 'dough conditioner' chemical from bread"

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